To wit

Remember a few days ago when I said "deaths to follow"? Remember when I said the Trail wouldn't be the source of this information?
At some point, Larimer County will have to remove this pesky dashboard. Because Tom Godhelpus sure isn't talking about how deaths from COVID continue to be reported in Larimer County. Well, in fairness, he is, after you scroll down about thirty pages to see one paragraph blaming it on late reporting from May. Covid-19 is still killing people in Estes Park, whether Estes Park wants to admit it or not. Imagine if some Republican was running around killing people in Estes Park, to the tune of 19 murders in two years. You think the Trail would run and hide behind that explosive story? Tim is probably dealing with repeated bouts of explosive diarrhea. Whatever the excuse is, you can forget about your death from COVID being covered locally. The Stanley says that is bad business, and we wouldn't want to hurt flat Stanley. On a related note of purposely hiding things from the public, the library is reducing hours, and their entire staff is now de rigueur wearing masks. Think there was an outbreak at the library recently? Inquiring minds would like to know.


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