Gosh, this looks like our mayor is aiding and abetting criminal behavior

Mayor - You may want to take this conversation and book proofing off line from the general public. I would note that some of the photographs appearing in the book for a fast food chain in Estes Park appeared in our Estes Park Archives program as published in the Estes Park News (link attached) https://www.estesparknews.com/estes_valley_spotlight/article_090cabc8-b8d0-11eb-99b4-934608a11a8c.html
Perhaps Mr. Gilbert intends to give proper credit. Perhaps not. It sounds like the book is self-published rather than going through a publishing house. Generally, publishing houses work hard to give photo credit, in order to avoid potential lawsuits, while self-published books don't have any oversight as regards paying usage fees or giving proper photo credit. I can tell you the photographs of the Estes Root Beer establishment that appeared in the Estes Park Archives program are property of the Estes Park Archives, through their purchase of materials from the Johnny Bill Ramey collection. We had to pay for them. They were not free for us to grab and go. They are probably not the only photographs of this particular business out there, but if every Tom, Dick and Harry out there continues using (without our permission) our photographs (we currently aren't even asking for payment, as most institutions do) and with them benefitting financially, with the red carpet rolled out for them by the mayor and at book shops, etc, as they take their show on the road, you can be sure any continued spirit of cooperation and generosity from our end will be severely tested, likely compromised and perhaps examined for remuneration and proper attribution through the court system. I would point you towards a real author writing a real book involving materials owned by the Estes Park Archives as how to give proper attribution. Here is a link to that book, and my response to the author regarding the photograph and credit as it appeared: https://renonr.com/2022/04/22/on-the-trail-of-the-jackalope-how-a-prank-is-tangentially-helping-to-cure-cancer/ "I saw your book excerpt today by searching Google News for Estes Park, as I do every day. You are the only person who has ever gotten everything exactly right as far as a caption/citation. Thank you for including me in your work and for your attention to detail." Again, we didn't charge for the use of that photograph, as we own it but don't want to go through the process of learning whether the original image was initially copyrighted, or whether that copyright was renewed. I doubt it, based on other material from the same collection, but it's just not worth the effort since we are not trying to become millionaires, just share out rich history with others interested in history, without attempting to become rich in the process. Ask your favorite museum director if they are quite so generous with their images.


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