Back on December 28, 2021, Larimer County reported 411 deaths from COVID

Remember?  Can you remember that far back?  The pun about 411 and "for your information"?  Remember?  Today, on February 7, 2022, approximately 40 days later, the same number of days it rained on Noah and his ark, Larimer County reported its 456th death.  That is 45 more deaths than on December 28, 2021.  More than one death per day.

That omicron, that wimpy little omicron.  Now that all our "medical experts" out there, looking at no data, determined Omicron was just a piddly something to sneeze at, 45 people must have had one hell of a sneeze.  I hope as our qualified epidemiologists and physicians are death threatened into resigning from public health leadership positions, these "medical experts" will step in and curtail this runaway death toll, or at least agree to show up at some of the funerals they will be responsible for, perhaps washing their bloodied hands in the holy water.


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