Fellow Parkanians, our long local nightmare is over

Seriously, $25,000 for eight months of what was the point again?  Voted exactly like Cody Rex Walker would have voted over those eight months except on the issue of extending the IGA, which failed anyway.  Next time, how 'bout we send $4 to each Estes Park resident to spend on Prozac or Adderall?
and the next nightmare begins.  Of the two candidates running for mayor, one signed the Eric Blackhurst petition in the recall election, with that individual also voting to recall Cody Rex Walker.

Of the five candidates running for trustee, one signed both petitions to recall Todd Jirsa and Cody Rex Walker (Carolyn Youngland), and four voted to recall Cody Rex Walker.

So this is clearly an electoral slate prompted and promoted by the meetings that took place at the home of Scott Schneider prior to the August vote.  Talk about a powerful voting bloc. 

Come April, we'll have only accomplished replacing Betty Hull on the Planning Commission with introducing three new Hull-like members to the town board.  Hydra-Hull will be the New York Times crossword puzzle answer to the clue:  What did Estes Park create? 

Why do we even need a planning commission?  It's just been transobliterated to the Room 202 study sessions.  No development for you.


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