Mari Me

Not thrilled with this, but early returns indicate sweeping support for MJ legalization throughout the state.  In 2012.

Colorado has been potified since January 2014, and next month will complete the sixth year of the experiment.  Estes Park's Cali contingent and the bed-head liberals (fire one up, Tom Street, and save the world while you're at it) have decided that Pot is Alright and the Kids are Alright and charging for parking is cool, Daddy-O, but the sentiment among the rank and toasted is decidedly anti-refer to the reefer.  Estes will tolerate another 50 breweries and vaperies before one dispensary sullies our tawdry town.  All of you hippo-critters need to stop shouting and touting and start accomplishing real internet routing.  Estes is intellectually sterile and can't field a winning football team to save its life.  But we can sure march down the main street and light it up, right?  Oh, sorry, pay outside contractors to light it up.  Dismissed.


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