Frank talks of civil discourse

Yet can't find time in his calendar for people who disagree with him.
It's painfully obvious Frank doesn't like African Americans
It took him a year to admit to and correct a simple error in a pamphlet, a factual error that could have and should have been corrected in one minute.  How much civil discourse do you get in an operating room when you step up and remove the wrong kidney?  How much civil discourse should you expect from a family when you tell them their father or mother died because you accidentally left a pair of forceps in their abdomen?

One year to admit a little mistake.  Imagine how long it might take for him to admit a big one.  As I remember, the town hired him, and the taxpayers pay him, to be town administrator, not supreme wizard and etiquette arbiter.

Frank seems like someone who only tolerates hearing from those with his same opinion, as if they were lockstep, um, brainwashed initiates into his boys club.  It's sure easy to dispense advice when you appoint yourself commander in chief.


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