VEP temporary/interim/permanent

VEP is back, passing a provisional 2018 budget without stipulation (except the splash pad and climbing wall is on hold pending state approval) and appointing a temporary records custodian without yielding to urges to pay the former CEO another $20,000 for serving so admirably as the prior one.

It is clear there is still a major disconnect between the "stakeholders" (meaning, in their minds, the business owners who pay for ads and editorial content in the visitors guide (which, by the way, VEP makes no apology for printing 20,000 too many of each year, as leftovers are sent to fourth graders along the front range (are there even 20,000 fourth graders in the entire state of Colorado?), who promptly discard them and thus save VEP the landfill costs)) and their unwanted "overseers" (meaning the town board and county commissioners).  VEP would like to be able to overspend (they call it "negative cash flow", the general public calls it "irresponsible") without having to answer to a higher entity.  Undoubtedly, they see how heads of other districts (library, recreation, hospital) in town are allowed to do whatever the hell they want with no oversight, and wonder why they can't do the same.  In fact, this is the reason VEP is currently short a CEO, because she very much thought she could and should do the same.

So Scott John Webertoilet got into a pissing contest with vice-chair (but obviously wishes and behaves as chair) Lowell Man-Groomed Richardtoilet, and even clapped along when Anne Mercury "Didn't I just serve on the failed EPIC board?" Morris stood up for the stakeholders, using way too many football analogies.  "We can't fumble the ball", she pled, begging the County Commissioners for daily reassurance that the board is now doing all that is required of them.  "We don't want to muzzle anyone, but at the same time, we need the board to speak with one voice, like Vince Lombardi" she openly wept, contradicting the very nature of not muzzling someone.

This was officially Adam Shake's last meeting, although in truth, he checked out about six months ago, and even dashed off twice during this 90-minute sludgefest to smoke a ciggy.

"Where was the Art and Mike show?" those in the audience murmured, not realizing the vastly underqualified but admittedly self-assured pair had accomplished all they'd ever dreamt of VEP-wise (the equivalent would be fifth graders telling fourth graders how to build a rocket, with NASA looking on bemusedly), and had now moved on to terrorize downtown parking.  Art did a traffic study in junior high, you might recall (he certainly does, fondly and often), which qualifies him, nay, overqualifies him, to hector board members.

One final question:  Does CDIV walk with a limp from embedded shrapnel?  Or is this just another affect, like him always introducing himself at the podium as "CDAgain"?  Will the minutes please reflect this?

Preach, sister.

We made 20,000 too many of these signs, but they won't go to waste,
because we will put them over here where you can't see them, perhaps
give them to children and encourage them to drink lemonade
at our expense, all the while pretending we didn't make 20,000 too many.


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