
Showing posts from March, 2025

Since when

Did the office of Estes Park mayor become the office of aspiring state poet laureates? How about using however long it takes to pull motivational quotes from the internet to hold an actual mayor's chat, or preparing a "state of the town" address and delivering it sometime this century? Why did our mayoral position go from a figurehead and tie-breaker to a integral voting member who should be representing 100% of the community and gathering input from 100% of the community instead of spending that time writing an unedited weekly newspaper column that will never admit mistakes, never allow for counterpoint, and go largely unchallenged and unread because it has the consistency of vanilla pudding-flavored rainbows?

LWV advocates for non-partisan placards for their non-partisan rally

How 'bout this one: LWV is non-partisan

The Trail is dead, long live the Trail

so the trail-gazette has a new editor-publisher, replacing the old publisher. i wouldn't ever expect anyone besides hired staff enjoying a smooth glide path into seeing their submitted writing in print, and believe me, if it hurt my feelings to not get every single submitted letter or column or story idea or suggestion in hard font, i would have run off crying into the candycane forest decades ago. this blog has over 1300 entries since its inception, so i'm not exactly taciturn, or agonizing over word choice so much i can't generate more than a few crafted and high gloss polished phrases a week. but let's not pretend for a second any of our local media is the equivalent of the new york times or washington post, bursting at the seams with content and difficult to near impossible to crack the editorial pages of as a regular joe without suffering through 50 rejection letters or (the modern equivalent) no response at all beyond an "ackowledgement of receipt" fo...