
I'm always fascinated by the question of why Marie Cenac entered local politics

Trustee Cenac is very anti-government involvement in constituents' problems, which is interesting, since she takes up one of the precious six seats on the town board, which is ostensibly a local government entity, organized to protect and serve the local taxpayers. If you go back through any noise ordinance discussion over the past six years, you will find, without fail, when she buzzes in to talk (and she never feels uncompelled to share this laissez faire opinion), that she constantly and consistently lectures the audience on where they choose to live determining whether they have any right to complain. This is known as victim blaming - If you are raped, it is because of the way you dress, if your business is vandalized by a customer bent on destruction, it is because your windows aren't strong enough to withstand getting hit with a large rock, and, God forbid, if you can't tolerate 14 straight hours of 100+ decibel noise, it is because your ears are pansies and you pic

Random guy versus random guy

Random guy #1: You need to put up a slide that lists all the items for approval on the consent agenda. Town board: Brilliant idea. Despite the fact that only three people attend the board meetings in person, and perhaps, if we're lucky, another 8-10 occasionally watch parts of it online, and these items are in such small type nobody in the audience or watching online can read anything on the slide, and no one besides you, random guy, cares about this in any way, since staff has already determined these approvals are a mere formality, we will implement your suggestion immediately and without pushback, and make it a permanent feature of every meeting henceforth into the next century and beyond. Random guy #2: Could you release the sales tax figures to the public on the day you receive them? Town board: Are you out of your effing mind? No effing way. This is the hill we will die on. You will never, ever see that number until we are good and ready. What are you, a communi

I don’t know if you’ve heard

But a movie theater recently closed in Estes Park. Also three restaurants and a gift shop, but those aren't as important as a movie theater.

This guy? Updated

Maybe it's the neighbors you keep, but I can't imagine this kid as a bald, shirtless, shoeless high-speed driver careening through Rocky Mountain National Park. This Wayde WASP was the fugitive keeping me awake last night, wondering when he was going to smash through my door and slice my head off? I would have been more worried about any of the other kids surrounding him in his yearbook, especially the woman to his left, voted most likely to already have an OnlyFans account... Update: From this morning, north of High Drive and south of Larkspur, photo credit Shirley Sterling And this was his brother

This makes the fourth article this summer about Reel Mountain Theatre closing

Meanwhile, the number of articles written in the Trail-Gazette about Molly B restaurant closing: A big fat zero. Sharon Seeley and Jenna MacGregor are white. Dawn Wilson is white. Mike Romero is retiring. The movie theater gets four articles and counting about CLOSING. Not about running a successful business, about CLOSING. The Lees are Asian. When they needed help, Mike R. spiked the article. Do the math.

Mike Romero "stepping aside"

Probably similar to Nicolas Maduro agreeing to hold elections in Venezuela that were "free and fair". The non-commute of not driving to Estes Park from Fort Collins once a week to assign 400 stories to Dawn Wilson was probably killing him. Who will hold up the Stanley's Nut Sack now that Mike's prominent chin will not be available? Will he move to Hungary and start heading Viktor Orban's propaganda machine?

We need an emergency town board meeting

Also, structural fire reported along Fall River Road. Estes Park needs some elected leadership to step up and start taking a leadership role.