The 65 specials

Help me understand how the following 63 folks (plus Graham Russell and Nancy Hills, who presumably live out of town but assisted in the recall effort or GoFundMe drive to raise money for the coaster lawsuits) can sign up as supporters of the Historic Stanley Home Foundation (a commercial enterprise in a residentially-zoned neighborhood) and also sign a petition recalling town trustee Cody Rex Walker (for proposing a commercial enterprise in a residentially-zoned neighborhood)?  Are they just joiners, willing to add their names to whatever comes along to be welcomed into whatever group shows them some affection?  Are they hypocrites?  There may be more than 63 people who signed both documents (some first names are not exact on both documents, so I erred on the side of caution) or there may be more than the X family units represented among these 63 people who split their support between causes (for example, a husband may have signed one document and a wife another) to spread their reach, but I must admit, this cross-purpose support confuses me.

If your name is spelled incorrectly in one or both lists, if you support both causes but were left off the list, or if you did not do what this list seemingly claims you did, please leave a comment in the comment section below, and I will be glad to correct any misinformation.  Thanks. 

(Note:  The double asterisk ** indicates these individuals signed BOTH the Historic Stanley Home Foundation support group list AND the Cody Rex Walker recall petition.)

[A] 3
Jan Alderman **
Jeanne Allen **
Larry Allen **

[B] 12
Dorothy Billingham **
Rich Billingham **
Jack Boatman **
Jan Boatman **
Lynn Bopp **
Mary Bopp **
Kathy Bowers **
Bruce Brackman **
Sallie Brackman **
David Brewer **
Loretta Brewer **
Robert Burkhardt **

[C] 6
Jim Carr **
Anne Chandou **
Francois Chandou **
Dona Cooper **
John Cooper **
Elen Crone **

[G] 2
Charley Griffin **
Linda Griffin **

[H] 1
Carrie Hayden **

[J] 1
Rich Johnson **

[K] 1
Mary Ann Kundtz **

[L] 3
Jane Leymaster **
Kreg Leymaster **
Carol Linnig **

[M] 2
Amy Miller **

Don Miller **

[N] 2
Shirley Neely-Turpin **
Patsy Nevill **

[P] 4
Diane Palmer **
Pat Parker **
Gwenda Purdy **
Larry Purdy **

[R] 1
Judy Ross **

[S] 12
Hattie Schetzsle **
Cathy Schneider **
Russ Schneider **
Pam Seaver **
LeRoy Seaver **
Mary Seaver **
Jackie Springer **
Ron Springer **
Nelly Starling **
Jackie Stephenson **
Keith Stephenson **
Linda Strandberg **

[T] 3
Jane Truesdale **
Art Turpin **
Deborah Tyler **

[V] 4
Gladys Van Drie **
Karla Van Drie **
Albert Velthoen **
Frances Velthoen **

[W] 4
Kendra Wallis **
Larry Williams **
Linda Williams **
Diane Wolf **

[Z] 2
Faith Zimmerman **
Lyle Zimmerman **

Total = 63


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